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Catherine 報告/作業 分享經驗 20120425 Report of the Study Group

20120425 Report of the Study Group
名稱 Report of the Study Group
描述 Bilinguals
日期 20120425
課程名稱 Bilingual Education
指導教師 王藹玲

This month we read articles about bilinguals and culture, and the language testing of bilinguals. After reading and discussions, I know that L2 ability of bilinguals is related to their social background, which they live, work and grow up. Moreover, their social status and motivation of learning L2 may influence bilinguals on mastering the L2 or just acquiring some survival L2. In short, during our group discussions, we tried to examine learning processes of bilinguals by different aspects, such as culture, social background, motivation, and so on. The group discussions during this month are very helpful.

更新日期:2012/4/25 下午 12:57:48