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螃蟹 學習規劃與目標 分享經驗 101/2 大三出國留學學習動機

101/2 大三出國留學學習動機
名稱 大三出國留學學習動機
學年/期 101/2
簡述 申請舊金山州立大學用

The uppermost motivation for me to study at San Francisco State University is that I believed there can be the proper environment for me to upgrade my English ability and cultural sense. Study abroad is a great chance for me who major in English language and cultures to improve language and knowledge of cultures. Therefore, San Francisco State University has some factors that courage me a lot to study there: environment, teaching style and the connection to my interest; they can satisfy my needs of learning.
I focus on the environment first; I really interest in San Francisco. I have heard that San Francisco contains plenty of cultures from all kind of ethnic groups; I can visit all kinds of museums and exotic towns by learning and also my hobby of traveling. Therefore, I not only can experience many cultures there by myself not just from books. In my point of view, San Francisco not only can be a place famous for tourism but also for students like me to study in their university.
Second one is teaching style in the university. I heard a lot of messages from my senior who already studied in San Francisco State University. He said that they often had small classes there, so professors talk a lot to students. They expressed their ideas and opinions directly. Since I am a shy student who afraid of say loud to express my feelings and ideas, I think this kind of teaching style can push me a lot in this area.
To apply my major, English language and culture, to the future and my interest, I have a great interest in tourism. For these reasons, I want to take those courses: Hospitality and Tourism Management and Parks, and Tourism Administration in San Francisco State University. I think these courses can give me some ideas about my future career and put my profession in use.
If I can be the student in San Francisco University, as an Asian student I would have the chance to have great English ability, and then I can learn what I have interest, languages, cultures, and tourism, also experience them personally. At the future, I can also apply my experiences in San Francisco and what I learn in San Francisco State University to my career.

更新日期:2014/3/25 下午 03:14:53