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梁同學 報告/作業 分享經驗 2012/04/24 Reflection

2012/04/24 Reflection
名稱 Reflection
描述 Reflection
日期 2012/04/24
課程名稱 語教育
指導教師 王藹玲

We had discussed " assessment of bilingual education, language and culture" shared by two classmates. We also talked about the definitions and elaborations of Enculturation, Acculturation and Deculturation. On the other hand, as to assessment, one paper reported that how these writers use multiple meaning-making resources,and traverse the continua of biliteracy. Their uniquely bilingual behavior also includes the strategic use of translanguaging –discussing the text in the first language and writing it in the second language. It's a interesting topic and worth doing further research.

更新日期:2012/4/24 上午 10:48:38